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Post 4. Continued . . .  

Alternative Theory of Reality & Deity

   Ubiquitous Information vs Universal Consciousness

Koch's and Tononi's theories raise another question : if information is  ubiquitous in the universe, why is the biological human mind its most powerful processor? The WIRED interviewer complains, “ I still can’t shake the feeling that consciousness arising through integrated information is — arbitrary, somehow. Like an assertion of faith. “  But Koch responds with “ But why should quantum mechanics hold in our universe? It seems arbitrary! Anyway, Koch is just one of several mainstream non-religious scientists who find the notion of Panpsychism to be a reasonable theory by which to answer some of the world's oldest Ontological head-scratchers. So perhaps the thesis of a cosmic “ Übermind” is not any more fantastic than the pragmatic wonderland of QT. Whether the hypothetical deity/entity is conscious or self-conscious is beyond hard proof. Therefore, all I can say for sure is that the implicit pre-space-time Creator ( or eternally creative Multiverse, if you prefer) must logically possess the potential for creatures with ego-centric Will-power and feeling-mediated Consciousness in order for those properties to emerge from within the randomized energy exchanges of physical and biological evolution.  

In the same Philosophy Now magazine though, philosopher Raymond Tallis asserts, “against Panpsychism”, that “you can't presuppose consciousness to explain consciousness”. That would be circular logic. Yet you can reason that a conscious whole could explain conscious parts. That is simply deductive logic. Indeed, he notes that a “variant of Panpsychism, called Cosmopsychism“, assumes that “it is the universe as a whole that is conscious”. Tallis complains that such a “consciousness-as-a-whole universe would be conscious of everything, which is impossible to imagine”. Indeed that would be too god-like for comfort. So he speculates that “it might be consciousness of nothing – since there would be nothing outside of its consciousness for it to be conscious of”. In that case, the divine Mind would be conscious only of the contents of its own ideas, which would include any worlds created by divine imagination.

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Universal Consciousness (redirected, here, as Universal Mind) is a concept that tries to address the underlying essence of all being and becoming in the universe. It includes the being and becoming that occurred in the universe prior to the arising of the concept of “Mind,” a term that more appropriately refers to the organic, human, aspect of Universal Consciousness. It addresses inorganic being and becoming and the interactions that occur in that process without specific reference to the physical and chemical laws that try to describe those interactions. Those interactions have occurred, do occur, and continue to occur. Universal Consciousness is the source, ground, basis, that underlies those interactions and the awareness and knowledge they imply.

Image :
New Physicalism : the problem of conscious experience
